This Doraemon anime series is sometimes referred to in Asia as the Ōyama Edition after Nobuyo Ōyama, the voice actress who voiced Doraemon in this series, it was planned to air in the US on WTBS Superstation (now known as TBS) but never premiered for unknown reasons, the second was made in Singapore and aired on Channel i & Kids Central[4] from 2002 to 2003 in Singapore. Additionally, an unofficial bootleg English dub by Speedy Video was produced and released exclusively in Malaysia on various VCDs.
Alternative Titles
- English
- Doraemon
- Japanese
- ドラえもん
- Type: TV
- Season: 4
- Episodes: 52
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Apr 2, 1979 to Mar 18, 2005
- Premiered: Spring 1979
- Broadcast: Unknown
- Producers: TV Asahi, Asatsu DK
- Licensors: Unknown
- Studios: Shin-Ei Animation
- Source: Manga
- Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Sci-Fi, Shounen
- Duration: 11 min. per ep.
- Rating: PG - Children